Funerals as Unique as Your Life
Our goal is to provide you and the entire African-American community with the highest standards of funeral service care that our industry could possibly offer. We are dedicated to the future of meaningful funeral service and believe our first responsibility is to the families we serve. This means offering only high-quality products and services at superior value. This is because we believe our families’ satisfaction determines our future.
Honoring Life
It’s important to take the time to acknowledge the uniqueness of the deceased: the individuality of their personality, and the uniqueness of their life's path. Not just for them, but for you; it affirms the relationship, and leads to healing after loss. Honoring their life is truly an act of love – for the both of you.
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Our Distinctive Features
We’re being completely honest when we tell you that there is no place like King Memorial Park. In our 37 years, we’ve worked to create an inspiring, healing, and powerful place of remembrance for the African-American families of Baltimore.
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Tour Our Grounds
We'll be pleased to welcome your visit to our warm and comfortable offices. King Memorial Park was designed to be unlike any cemetery you've ever seen; it's truly a one-of-a-kind place.
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Preserving Your Heritage
We’ve chosen to offer our families unique, yet affordable ways to honor and remember their loved one. Whether you decide upon one of our theme-based lawn burial grounds, or interment in our Grand Heritage Mausoleum, you’ll have peace-of-mind, knowing you’ve given them the very best care.
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Veteran's Services
We believe those who served our nation are deserving of special attention, and we will take care of all details in securing the benefits your veteran is entitled to receive.
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Embracing Our Community
Every year, the staff of King Memorial Park, and the March family are proud to host community events of remembrance and celebration. We also honor those special people in our community who lead and inspire us all to live up to our true potential. Read More